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It is a production process for manufacturing hot finished tubes, pipes, re-draw hollows and hollow bars in stainless steels and nickel-based alloys. Range of dimensions:Outside diameters from 42 up to 300 mm (1.65 up to 11.81 inches)
General Tubes And Pipes
General tubes & pipes are used as piping components and line pipe in a variety of industries such as the chemical and petrochemical industries, the oil and gas industries, power generation, processing, in the food and drink industries, in metallurgy, and many others. In subsea media general tubes & pipes are be used as line pipe, flowlines, risers, and as hydraulic & gas injection lines. In topside media general tube & pipe are used as utility and process piping, sea water piping systems and LNG piping.
Furnace Tubes
Pure nickel UNS N02200 is used in the chemical industry for its corrosion resistance - particularly to alkalis. It is also used for its properties in shielding against electromagnetic interference and in transducers.
Hollow Bars
Hollow bar- also called seamless mechanical tubing- is a tubular product made with properties and characteristics suitable for subsequent transformation into numerous cylindrical components and hollow products for different engineering purposes. Applications for hollow bar include aerospace, electronics, medical, military, food processing, transportation and the chemical and petrochemical industry. Hollow bars are widely used in general engineering industry.
Boiler Tubes (Nuclear Industry)
Boiler tubes for nuclear power generation are used within the secondary cycle of nuclear power stations and form the tube components of a steam generation boiler. Special safety requirements are required for nuclear boiler tubes, due to their critical application.
It is the preferred production process for seamless, cold- finished, high alloyed stainless steel and nickel-based alloy tubes and pipes. This technique provides a highly efficient, fast production rate, close tolerances and cost-effective, competitive products. Range of dimensions: Outside diameters from 6 mm to 244.5 mm ( 0.24” to 9.62”) Wall thickness from 0.5 mm to 30 mm ( 0.02” to 1.18”)
Heat-Exchanger Tubes
Heat-exchanger tubes are designed for heat transfer and mostly used in processes such as heating, cooling, ventilation, condensation and evaporation (of liquids, gases, steam and their various combinations). Heat-exchanger tubes are used in the following equipment: shell & tube heat exchangers, plate & frame heat exchangers, cooling towers, air coolers and many others. The main industries using heat-exchanger tubing are chemical & petrochemical, power generation (including nuclear), oil & gas and others such as the food & beverage industries, pulp & paper and transportation.
Instrumentation Tubes
Instrumentation tubes are widely used for hydraulic & pneumatic control systems, fuel supply lines and pressure sensors lines for the transportation industry. They are also used for onshore control panels, topside processing facilities and subsea manifolds in the oil and gas industry; for high purity tubes in the semiconductor industry, for advanced engineering fuel rods and control tubes; and for cooling circuits and brake cylinders in the automotive industry.
Boiler Tubes
Boiler tubes are used in thermal power-generation and heating, as components of utility and industrial boilers. Boiler tubes in Power-generation are used only for utility boilers to generate steam for the production of electricity. Boilers for industrial applications produce steam or hot water for process applications in a range of sectors such as biomass firing (in fluidized bed boilers), heating, the pulp and paper industry (recovery boilers), in waste to energy plants and in a number of chemical processes. Boilers are used in all combustion systems (including conventional coal, oil and gas) and are designed to withstand high pressure and high temperature conditions.
General Tubes And Pipes
General tubes & pipes are used as piping components or line pipes in a range of industries such as the chemical and petrochemical industries, in the oil and gas industries, in power generation, processing, food and drink, metallurgy, and many others. In subsea media general tubes & pipes are used as line pipes, flowlines, risers, hydraulic & gas injection lines. In topside media general tubes & pipes are used as utility and process piping, sea water piping systems and as LNG piping.